How much you spend on advertising and marketing depends on several factors including your industry and position within that industry, your target customers, the competitive environment, and your goals and aspirations. Your marketing plan is the foundation of your...
Adding extensions to your search advertising can help to optimize your marketing investment and facilitate sales conversions for your local business. What are Search Extensions? Search extensions are simply additional information that can be added to Google search...
The consumer path-to-purchase includes complex engagements with multiple media as consumers research to learn more about the product and service options available to them; and the best business to meet their needs. These customer touchpoints are interconnected,...
Your Local Business Can Benefit from Integrating Connected TV (CTV) into Your Marketing Plan. An increasing number of TV viewers are abandoning cable television to ‘cut the cord’ in favor of the convenience of streaming services that offer increased variety and the...
How Reviews Can Help Your Local Business. Customer reviews can bring your local business an opportunity to develop new business, solidify relationships with existing customers, and improve your business’s product and service offerings. It’s not that potential...