How Can Your Local Business Use Email Marketing for Success

Email marketing can be an effective marketing tactic for your local business to build stronger relationships with your customers and grow sales.  E-mail is considered the strongest and most cost-effective direct marketing tool available, generating an average return of $36.00 for every $1.00 invested.  Based on 2022 data, some 68% of all business reported using email to share content with their customers.

What is Email Marketing?

Email marketing is a direct marketing method that involves sending emails to a business’s audience to engage with them.  It can include sending promotional offers, updates, or other content that may be of interest to your audience.  Email marketing is a great tactic for building customer loyalty and generating new sales.

Because subscribers’ opt-in to receive your correspondence, email has a higher tendency to convert…Your business has a relationship with the audience and is a trusted and welcomed source of information.

Today’s email marketing has moved beyond mass mailings and has focused on consent, segmentation, and personalization to improve engagement.  It’s proven a best-in-class tactic to understand your customer’s interests and develop long-term relationships.

You can segment your audience and create targeted email campaigns in the same way that you do for other digital marketing services including digital display and social media advertising.  Tactics including geographic, demographic, behavioral, and more can improve the relevancy and effectiveness of your campaigns.

Types of Email Marketing:

  • Promotional Emails: Promotional campaigns can include special offers, upsells, new product releases, and exclusive content including events and webinars.
  • Informational Emails: Newsletters are a popular form of informational emails.  With newsletters you can regularly share news related to your business.
  • Retention Emails: Retention campaigns might be where email shines the brightest.  Some examples of retention programs include welcome emails, how-to emails, company news, contests, customer contributions, and more.
  • Transactional Emails: Typically automated, these emails include thank you notes, order confirmations, abandoned cart emails, requests for reviews, and more.

Why Should Your Business Consider Email Marketing?

Despite the fact that email is one of the oldest forms of digital marketing, dating back to 1971, email is still prevalent with more than 92% of the digital population in the U.S. reporting using e-mail as a form of communication.  E-mail boasts a higher penetration rate than social media and other online message applications.

Email marketing campaigns offer several benefits to your business:

  • Cost effective, including high conversion rates.
  • Personalization opportunities.
  • Emails provide direct access to an individual’s inbox without having to navigate algorithm changes.

How Can Email Marketing Help Your Local Business?

  • Email marketing can drive sales by supporting your sales promotions. Sending coupons to your existing client base is a great way to re-engage your existing customers and to boost sales.  Re-marketing via emails to customers who have abandoned shopping carts is another way to boost sales.
  • Email marketing can boost brand awareness. Showing up in an inbox is a great way to keep your business current with customers.  Personalization can further boost your branding results.
  • Email marketing can boost customer loyalty. Email drives loyalty at every stage of the buyer journey.  You can further boost your loyalty programs through marketing automation and utilization of a customer relationship management (CRM) system.

If you remain skeptical about the opportunity in email marketing, here are some further data points to consider:

  • In 2023, there were more than 4.3 billion global email users.
  • 99% of email users check their email at least once per day.
  • 62% of consumers ranked email in their top preferred communication channels with small business.
  • 59% of people said email marketing influenced their decision to purchase.

Sentinel Solutions are experts in e-mail marketing and can help you design a e-marketing program to help retain existing customers and attract new business.

Give us a call if we can help at 603-352-5896 or e-mail to  We’re here to help you succeed.


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